We are a part of Table Top Games Margaret River Inc. Please go here for more information : ttgmr.org
Catch up payment options (please note that the PayID has changed).
We encourage 1.5metre social distancing and good personal hygiene (hand-washing). Please see the WA Gov.au announcements for the latest COVID-19 status.
What do we play
Dungeons and Dragons ~ D&D 5th Ed.
For the general public who land here, D&D is a fantasy tabletop roleplaying game (RPG). We play around a table and roll dice. Players make up a hero who will take part in an adventure. The Dungeon Master uses theatre-of-the-mind and battle-maps to describe scenarios to the players, who decide what their hero will do. They describe that, then make dice rolls to determine the success of that course of action. The DM narrates the results. We all take turns and the shared story plays out over the night. Over several meetings it becomes a campaign.
When do we play:
We meet on Friday night from 4pm until 9pm.
Why do we play
We play to have fun 🙂 Table-top gaming and role-playing are fun, entertaining activities. Players and DMs alike are here to have fun, and everyone is a volunteer.
Please alert a DM if you havn’t been having fun at D&D. Thanks 🙂
How do we play:
We encourage RPG Role Playing to be for the party. Test your mettle against the DM, with your fellow party members. We encourage roleplaying with a fun and sensible attitude. It’s good for party morale.
I use the example of Legolas and Gimli (Lord of the Rings). Elves and Dwarves hate and distrust each other. But they forge a friendship regardless. If you are unfamiliar with their story, you can view a synopsis here.
RPG choices that may distress other DnD Margies members from any age group or walk of life are not welcome. “Playing in character” does not allow in-game sexism, racism or prejudices. This means that we cultivate awareness and discernment in and out of the game.
How much is the right amount to pay?
$5 honour system.
This will cover rent for the space with the remainder going towards new books & resources. If you forget one week, please make it double the next week.
If you can’t afford it, please let me (Ushan) know and come down and play anyway.
The payment will be made to Ushan Boyd, the instigator of D&D Margies and primary contact. it will pay for the rent mainly. After that with what little left over: books and minis and other resources.
The DMs have access to all the books. Players can read the books every Friday night, but for easy tracking, only DMs can take them home.
What is this website for?
It is for whatsoever the DnD Margies crew want to do with it.
Are you interested in other tabletop games like Talisman, RISK or Settlers of Catan? Let me know 🙂
Thanks for reading,